before anesthesia

Before Anesthesia

Prior to surgery, you and the doctor will have an opportunity to discuss the choice of anesthesia which will be administered for the procedure you have elected to undergo. During this visit vital information is obtained about your health and concerns regarding your anesthesia care. Please bring with you a list of all the medicines you are currently taking that are either prescribed or over the counter (OTC) including vitamins, minerals, herbal and any other supplements you might be taking. Such substances can react negatively not only with the anesthetic drugs but also with the surgery itself. Being open and honest with the doctor about your health and medical conditions is the key in formulating and selecting the anesthetic plan that is best suited for you and the surgery you will be having. We generally ask the person who will be driving you back home to remain on the premise during your procedure.


The written instructions of what to do before surgery will be given to you. Be sure to follow instructions appropriately regarding your intake of medications, as well as food or liquids before anesthesia. Your safety is our priority and concern. A copy of the routine generic preoperative instructions can be downloaded from the PDF files listed within this section. These are available both in English and in Spanish. In addition, there is a list of medicines, drugs, homeopathic, herbal and supplements which need to be avoided prior to having surgery. If you are taking any of these, please inform the doctor since most of these will require stopping them at least seven (7) days before surgery. The PDF file contains both generic and propriety name of the drugs are listed in alphabetical order.